Aceh Tsunami Museum (Rumoh Aceh as escape hill)

Aceh Tsunami Musem
Aceh Tsunami Museum  adalah museum yang didirikan di Banda Aceh, Indonesia, untuk mengenang gempa bumi Samudra Hindia 2004 serta menjadi pusat pendidikan dan tempat perlindungan dari tsunami. Museum Tsunami Aceh adalah sebuah Museum untuk mengenang kembali pristiwa tsunami yang maha dahysat yang menimpa Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam pada tanggal 26 Desember 2008 yang menelan korban lebih kurang 240,000 orang.


Affandi Museum, Visiting the Palace of the Maestro

Affandi Museum
Affandi Museum, Visiting the Palace of the Maestro. Affandi Museum is located at Jalan Raya Yogyakarta-Solo, or rather the west bank of Gajah Wong River, provides an opportunity for you to track all the means of Affandi's life. You can see the great works of the maestro during life, the work of another painter who is sufficient, means of transportation he uses first, occupied house to a studio that is now used to nurture talent to paint a child.
